Hot Zone Parts of Sapphire Growth

What Is Sapphire Crystal?

Sapphire is a single crystal of alumina, belonging to the trigonal system, with hardness second only to diamond, and has the characteristics of wear resistance and high temperature stability. It is mainly used in LED substrates, large-scale integrated circuit substrates, electronic product protection sheets, mobile phone screens, various windows, infrared guidance, missile fairings, etc., and is widely used in optoelectronics, communications, national defense, medical and other fields.

What Is Sapphire Crystal Growth Furnace?

The sapphire crystal growth furnace is a device for artificially synthesizing sapphire crystals, which is generally includes steps such as vacuuming, heating, melting, crystal growth, annealing, and cooling. The core control functions are thermal field voltage/power control and heating cage lifting motion control. The furnace body of the crystal growth furnace requires excellent sealing, so that the internal temperature gradient is consistent, thereby improving the quality and yield of crystals produced, and improving production efficiency, making it suitable for mass production of crystals.

What Is Hot Zone of Crystal Growth Furnace?

As a key component of the sapphire crystal growth furnace, hot zone will affect the operation of the entire system. A suitable hot zone will improve the uniformity of furnace temperature, and thus help to improve crystal quality and crystal yield. A suitable hot zone can also reduce maintenance costs and extend the life of the furnace.

Hot zone parts of sapphire growth include tungsten crucibles, tungsten heaters, tungsten shields, tungsten base plates, tungsten crucible lids, tungsten supporters, tungsten boats, tungsten trays and others.

sapphire growth hot zone parts photo sapphire growth hot zone parts photo

sapphire growth hot zone parts

sapphire growth hot zone parts

tungsten boat photo tungsten crucible photo

tungsten boat

tungsten crucible

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