EB Tungsten Filament

EB tungsten filament is short from electron beam tungsten filament, which is made of tungsten wire, esp. thorium tungsten wire and non-sag tungsten wire. Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament) is the part for launching electron and for optic coating.

The main physical property for electron beam tungsten filament is its small size. Most of them is with the same size of thumb figure or even smaller. They also own kinds of shapes. The followings are some of them.

Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament) Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament) Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament)
Mosquito Coil Shaped EB Filament
Centerless Mosquito Coil Shaped EB Filament
S Shaped EB Filament
Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament) Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament) Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament)
Arch Shaped EB Filament
L Door Shaped EB Filament
Door Shaped EB Filament
Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament) Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament) Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament)
Door Shaped EB Tungsten Filament
Double Hook EB Tungsten Filament
Linear EB Tungsten Filament
Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament) Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament) Electron beam tungsten filament(EB tungsten filament)
Spiral EB Tungsten Filament
Bottle Shaped EB Tungsten Filament
Double Hook Door Shaped EB Tungsten Filament

About the operation process, EB tungsten filament (Electron Beam tungsten filament) is the main part for launching electron beam to crucibles.

EB tungsten filament

EB tungsten filament can be designed according to customer's requirements.

If there is any interest in tungsten wire, please feel free to contact us through the following methods.
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tel.: +86 592 512 9696/+86 592 512 9595

More info>>

1.Catalog of tungsten wire
2.Quotation table of tungsten wire