Thoriated Tungsten Electrode
Thoriated tungsten electrode is mainly used in DC negative electrode or carbon, stainless steel, nickel alloy, titanium alloys and other positive electrodes. It has good operating performance even if in overload current. When using this electrode for AC welding, user should weld in a faster speed, and be careful to avoid direct current welding react before AC welding.
As an alloy electrode, thoriated tungsten electrode is added rare earth element thorium (thorium oxide) in tungsten base. So according to the proportion of thorium oxide content in the electrode, it can be divided into WT10, WT20, WT30 and WT40.
Thoriated tungsten electrode has a low power with a high crystallization temperature, its cutting mechanical property and electrical conductivity is better than pure tungsten electrode. In addition to these excellent properties, the thoriated tungsten electrode has strong radioactivity. Inhalation or injection of α particle would be very dangerous. Because it has a strong destructive power to the body's internal organs, cells, tissues. When using this electrode, users should pay attention to ventilation.
Thoriated tungsten electrode is mainly used in DC negative electrode or carbon, stainless steel, nickel alloy, titanium alloys and other positive electrodes. Generally speaking, 2% thoriated oxide content of thoriated tungsten electrode than 1% of the amount of thoriated tungsten electrode has a better performance.